Design Herman Yung Design Herman Yung

VFD Displays

One of the best vintage display technologies.

I’ve been obsessed with vacuum fluorescent display technology lately. Otherwise known as VFD, these displays were popular on Japanese electronics and stereo systems.

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Books Herman Yung Books Herman Yung

In The Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson

Incredible good read that parallels our time in the US today.

Wow. I just finished In The Garden of Beasts by Erik Larson and it at times felt like a parallel world of what is currently happening in the United States. I’ve never read Larson’s other books before but I have heard great things about how he manages to weave true stories of history with great storytelling.

In The Garden of Beasts is a slow-boil recollection of one American family’s journey as ambassadors in Germany during the rise of the Hitler regime. It recounts the horror of realizing that the general public did not really see Hitler as that bad of a guy, but rather just a sorta-crazy person who can’t possibly ever take control. Hitler’s rise to power was not immediate and in fact was often dismissed by people as sensational news (sounds like what the US is doing now). As a reader, I couldn’t help but see the events of history mirroring what is happening today in the US.

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Design Herman Yung Design Herman Yung

Carson-Dellosa: The creators of the classic ‘90s classroom illustration

Who remembers these elementary school illustrations in classrooms?

I definitely grew up on this style of artwork. As an adult, it’s kind of neat to learn about its history and the original teaching background that inspired its creators to make this art for the entire US public education system.

Semi-retired now, one of the founders Janet Dellosa is still making art to this day and you can buy it on Etsy!

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